Paco: After the darkness

The havoc wrought by Cocaine Base Paste Addiction: A growing public health concern Cocaine base paste (“Paco“) addiction presents a growing public health problem, characterized by its high incidence, resistance to treatment, and the disturbing trend of consumption at increasingly young ages. The use of ‘paco’ is often a means to alleviate pain, fill emotional […]


La Señalada is the most important livestock ritual in the Andes and gives meaning to life as part of the productive cycle. Through this ritual, pastors ask for protection and abundance. In the highest mountain range of los Andes in Cachi, the Tolaba family still preserve their ranch, cattle and traditions. After eight hours ascending […]


Since my childhood, the Middle East has ignited an immense curiosity within me. First, through literature and cinema. Novels, stories, history, and travel diaries transported me to distant lands, unveiling cultural and geographical landscapes that sparked my imagination and curiosity. It was my initial step into exploring a vast and diverse region, rich in historical […]